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MHJC Public Relations - Come find us! 

One of the purposes of the Mile-Hi Jeep Club is to “Unite Adventure loving people in worthwhile 4-wheel drive activities”.  One of the ways we accomplish this is through our public relations committee.  Each year we participate in events such as  the Annual Colorado RV, Sport, Boat & Travel Show, St. Patrick’s Day Parade, or other events around the state.  These appearances are to promote the club and the sport of off-roading.  We also participate in many fund raisers for Children’s Hospital and have raised over $125,000 in the last few years!

Each December we participate in an event called the Christmas Caravan for Kids where Jeepers from all over the Metro area meet at different locations and caravan their vehicles loaded with toys to give them to members of our Armed Forces to take to the needy.  Land use is near and dear to our heart in the Mile-Hi Jeep club so we try to participate in any fund raisers for organizations that can represent our interests in the impact of land use management.  We are a very public organization and if your interested in helping please contact our Public Relations Committee Chairman.


  • Help meet new people and guide them through the steps of joining MHJC and engaging in the Greenhorn runs!

  • Sign up for booth time at our upcoming events!

March 28th

Hot Rod Car Show

Volunteer Times Available

8:00AM - 11:00AM

11:00AM - 2:00PM

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