Mile-Hi Jeep Club
of Colorado
Meeting Location Change for 2015! All meetings starting in 2015 will be held at the Westminster Elks Club.
Conservation Corner - Land Use
Adopt - A - Trail
Parent Club and Patrols help keep trails maintianed!
The main requirement for adopting a 4WD road is a core group within your Patrol that is willing to do the volunteer work involved. Most Patrols schedule at least one 'work event' each year per adopted road to maintain their adopted road(s). If
If you have any land use questions, please email the Land Use chairman at landuse@mhjc.org.
The Parent Club and several Patrols have roads adopted across Colorado:
Patrol 11
Birds Eye Gulch
Patrol 13
Santa Fe Peaks
Patrol 16
Spring Creek
Patrol 14
Webster Pass
Bill Moore Lake
Red Cone
Patrol 6
Saints John
Patrol 7
Georgia Pass
Glacier Ridge
SOB Hill
Land Use Links
Popular organizations that help keep trails open and educate on how to maintain trails.
There are several organizations in the state of Colorado that help keep trails open, either by lobbying at the capital, educating the public, and hosting chairity events. Get to know these organizations and the national organizations that help keep public lands open for public use.
American Land Rights Association: ALRA is a national clearinghouse and support coalition encouraging family recreation, multiple-use, commodity production, and access to federally-controlled and state lands. Its purpose is to oppose selfish, single-use, restrictive land use designations that damage local economies, schools and roads in rural America.
Americans for Responsible Recreation Access: ARRA was formed to ensure that Americans are not arbitrarily denied the right to responsibly experience and enjoy the public lands that belong to the citizens of the United States. ARRA focuses on the entire spectrum of issues surrounding the Crisis of Closure. We work with the Administration and its agencies, Congress, local governmental representatives and most importantly, the citizens who care about maintaining access to public lands and waterways for outdoor recreational activities.
The Blue-Ribbon Coalition champions responsible use of public lands for the benefit of all recreationalists by educating and empowering its members.
The mission of the Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO) is to represent, assist, educate, and empower OHV recreationists in the protection and promotion of off-highway motorized recreation throughout Colorado. COHVCO is an environmental organization that advocates and promotes the responsible use and conservation of our public lands and natural resources to preserve their aesthetic and recreational qualities for future generations.
Stay The Trail's mission is to reinforce and highlight responsible OHV use, and to modify and mitigate irresponsible use in an effort to minimize resource damage on public land. Our goal is to create a statewide culture of responsible OHV use which will continue beyond the life of the project, effectively creating a stewardship ethic among all Colorado OHV recreationists.
TreadLightly!: A nonprofit organization whose mission is To empower generations to enjoy the outdoors responsibly through education and restoration. While its mission incorporates all forms of outdoor recreation, Tread Lightly's core focus is the ethical use of motorized and mechanized vehicles on both land and water.